MAINTENANCE LA MAIN wants to offer you peace of mind by helping you fight the spread of COVID-19 in your commercial and/or residential building!

In order to offer you a safe environment, we have favoured the use of dry steam.
and products certified by Health Canada and licensed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

Thus, we can offer you the guarantee that more than 99% of the micro-organisms will be destroyed,
using ecological, biodegradable and high quality products.


Analysis of the work environment: Toys, food, dishes, etc.

Wear a single-use mask and a uniform disinfected at high temperature.

Change gloves between each step.


Cleaning of surfaces with disposable cloths
**special attention to the places with the most contact **

Complete disinfection with dry steam

Spraying of a disinfectant solution in

the entire establishment

Deep cleaning of floors with a single-use mop.

Wait 20 minutes before returning to the premises to optimize disinfection.


Health Canada Certified Products

#DIN 02447185

#DIN 02025442